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2019-24 Strategic Plan


Plainfield Public Library nurtures young readers, informs its citizens and helps build successful enterprises

through innovative programming and educational resources.

Goal #1: Facilitate opportunities for children from birth to age five and parents/caregivers that will stimulate and encourage their reading, writing and listening skills.

  • Increase the number of children and parents/caregivers utilizing the library services.

  • Create a computer space for preschool children

  • Provide books-to-go bag

Goal #2​:  Partner with local businesses and non-profit organizations to cultivate a fertile environment in Plainfield for economic  and cultural advancement.

  • Create a public bulletin board focused on local business opportunities

  • Establish and maintain a business center in the library

  • Develop and maintain a website with links for businesses & managers

Goal #3: Provide a place for citizens to learn, become informed and meet together with others as they seek to positively affect their local, state, national and world communities.

  • Develop and maintain links to add to our website and partner with the City

  • Host regularly scheduled open discussions with elected officials

  • Provide paper and electronic copies of information such as annual reports and meeting minutes

Plainfield City Hall

604 Main Street 
Plainfield, IA 50666

Hours: 8am-3pm M, W & F
Phone & Fax: 319-276-3449

Facebook: City of Plainfield, Iowa

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